I wrote this poem intending it to be funny, but it came out a little dark, either way I hope you enjoy it.

Sun Trap
The chair seems innocent enough,
Positioned by the window where it always sits,
Offering comfort,
Welcoming rest.
But on it this day,
Lingers a second invitation.
A voice as smooth as honey whispers one thing;
Warmth in the morning chill of May.
To sooth your skin,
To warm your blood
To comfort your soul.
Just five minutes you think,
Just while I finish my coffee...
But when you sink in you find it's deeper than you thought,
And try as you don't,
You find that what promised to strengthen now weakens.
Your coffee is finished,
Your reasoning gone,
But unlike the hunter's snare,
It is the cold claws of a shadow
That set you free.
Sarah, I love this poem, those last three stanzas!💣