Our Story

IT ALL BEGAN when some homeschoolers decided to meet regularly for a book study. We read 'For the Children's Sake' by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay and Charlotte Mason's 'Philosophy of Education'. A small community of families was born out of those gatherings. We met weekly and shared living books, poetry, artist studies, Shakespeare, and handicrafts. As a result, beautiful friendships blossomed and grew among ourselves and our children.
We named ourselves Oaks from the 'Oaks of Righteousness': called and planted by the Lord to display His Glory and to 'rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated' (Isaiah 61:3-4). This name was also a playful acronym for 'Ordo Amoris Community' because one of our goals in educating our children was to have the virtue of "rightly ordered loves" (Augustine). Out of this original group sprung other Psalm 1:3 'Tree' communities: Cedars (Psalm 92:12-13), Olives (Psalm 128:3b), Figs (Abundance and Acts 16:25-26), and Almonds (representing spring, renewal, and hope).
And that is how Alveary Grove was born. We felt the need to start a website and forum where people can also have the ability to connect and grow online and hopefully in person. So Alveary Grove is a virtual woodland with an alveary (beehive) at its centre. The grove of trees and hive symbolise our community, and the bees are the cross-pollinators of living ideas among us.
We hope to share our values of wisdom, creativity, industry, and the interconnectedness of local community. Here all trees can bear their fruit, beautiful flowers can blossom, and everyone can feast on the abundance of sweet honey! Honey is the 'fruit' of many trees and individual flowers; without them, this nectar cannot exist, nor could many plants reproduce without its production! We also like to imagine the wind blowing among the trees and flowers, carrying the scent of abundant growth, and pollinating those trees that don't rely directly on animals like bees!
Through this website, we hope that more families, groups, and individuals will join us and that we can all stimulate and encourage one another to love each other and do good deeds (Hebrews 10:24-25). In addition, we want to create meaningful, long-lasting, real-life communities and friendships thanks to hosted events, mentor-ships, discussion groups, book studies, and co-ops.
Welcome! Please join us, and let us all grow and feast together!
Alveary Grove is based in Southern Africa.
We are proudly from Africa and for Africa!

Meet our Team

Tarryn Hall

Sarah Spring
Podcaster and Writer